In November 2016, Blackmores partnered with the local branch of Homes for Heroes at Narrabeen to launch a pilot wellness program seeking to assist returned soldiers traumatised by the experience of war. Homes for Heroes is an arm of the Returned Soldiers League (RSL) that seeks to provide housing and rehabilitation for returned soldiers at risk.
Statistics indicate that in Australia on any given night, approximately 3000 returned soldiers might be sleeping on the street as a result of the trauma experienced during their time spent in combat.
Statistics around veteran suicide are also tragic and confronting, as suicide has now claimed more Australian soldiers’ lives than any war since 1999.
The Blackmores wellness program was inspired by the Blackmores Institute Director, Professor Lesley Braun who, on attending the 2016 International Congress for Complementary & Integrative Medicine Research in the USA, was astounded at the broad range of complementary therapies and programs made available for veterans not only in America but in a large number of NATO countries. Such programs are not currently available in Australia.
The wounds sustained during war are complex in both their physical and psychological manifestations. In addition, the gruelling process of becoming a soldier equipped for battle seems equalled by the deeply challenging transition of returning to normal civilian life and recovering one’s identity.
The aim of the Blackmores Veterans Wellness Program was to introduce the concepts of wellness according to naturopathic principles and a holistic approach (mind and body), and to provide simple strategies to help achieve an improved sense of wellbeing.
Blackmores Advisory Naturopaths Leanne McLean and Rebekah Russell volunteered their own time to develop, write and facilitate the program which was originally designed as pilot.
The pilot was deemed so successful that it has become a weekly program offered and funded by RSL LifeCare’s Homes for Heroes program and delivered by Leanne and Rebekah who have also undertaken specialised trauma informed practitioner training which allows them to be sensitive to the particular needs of the returned soldiers.
After two-and-half years the Blackmores wellness program has seen some amazing results and covers topics such as the effect of diet on mood, the importance of movement, the benefit of positive relationships and community, as well as strategies for goal setting.
Below is a testimonial from Linda who attended the program and continues to practice what she learned on those visits in the comfort of her own home:
“Learning Mindfulness through the Blackmores Wellbeing Program at Homes for Heroes was scary at first. I felt panic and anxiety to sit still with my inner thoughts, I realised I felt fear, this was my core emotion that was holding me back. I was frightened of myself, other people, making a mistake, upsetting others, letting myself down and the list continues. However, once I began practicing mindfulness and meditation at home, I started to feel safe and secure with my thoughts and fears, I began meditating every day and night and learning how to breath and slow down. This has been the biggest change in my life. Mindfulness has helped me to have fun again, smile and enjoy waking up each day. My sleep had changed remarkably and mediation was helping me have a deep uninterrupted sleep every single night. My above remarks felt unachievable in December last year and I did not believe this was possible for me, so you can imagine my delight and pride in these achievements.
“Since leaving the program, I have reconnected with my husband, I have not experienced such happiness, joy, peace and sleep for a long time. I am now a proud Veteran who wore her service medal on both ANZAC and Remembrance Day 2018 for the first time with pride instead of guilt. I have a long way to go and will continue to grow and improve as a person, however compared to twelve months ago my trajectory is now one of an uphill journey. I am not just surviving emotionally, physically and spiritually but striving and incredibly excited to see what tomorrow brings.”
Blackmores Executive Director and Interim CEO Marcus Blackmore is an advocate of the program. As Vietnam veteran himself and previously Chairman of the Defence Reserves Support Council of the Australian Defence Force, he understands more than anyone the importance of a holistic approach to treatment for veterans:
“There is a growing body of evidence emerging on the benefit of complementary therapies for conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder and chronic pain management, conditions all too common amongst returned soldiers,” said Marcus. “But also just by simply caring and offering help and kindness to people in need, you can completely change someone’s life for the better.”
The Blackmores Veterans Wellness Program runs weekly at Narrabeen and there is hope is that similar programs might be reproduced Australia-wide to help benefit these men and women who have lost so much in the service of this country.
Thank you Lesley, Leanne and Rebekah for your compassion, foresight and hard work.
Thank you to all our returned service men and women for our freedom.
Lest we forget
You can find more information on RSL LifeCare’ s Homes for Heroes program here