Keeping winter nasties at bay 1260x542
31 Mar 2010

Keeping winter nasties at bay

2 mins to read
Door handles, pens, light switches, TV remotes and taps all have at least one thing in common; they are among the many places cold sufferers can leave their virus behind. With germs lurking at every corner, what can you do to prevent a cold from dragging you into a pile of dirty tissues?

A recent study had 15 people with lab-confirmed rhinovirus colds spend a night in individual rooms at a hotel and, after they checked out, tested 10 items they said they had touched. About one-third of the objects were contaminated with the virus.

The germ testing was done prior to the rooms being cleaned, so the risk of staying in hotel rooms is most likely overstated. That aside, it shows the potential hazards lurking at every corner, in the office, on public transport, even in the home.

"We know that viruses can survive on surfaces for a long time, more than four days," said Dr. Birgit Winther, an ear, nose and throat specialist who led the study.

So what can you do to prevent a cold from dragging you into a pile of dirty tissues?

Whilst colds and flu are quite different problems, the approach to preventing and treating these ailments is similar. And of course prevention is better than cure. Start by building your body's resistance and get adequate rest and regular exercise.

Several protective immune mechanisms provide a vital defence system for the body. One of these involves lactoferrin, which is found within the lining of the lungs and other mucus surfaces.

Lactoferrin is produced naturally in the body by immune cells when the body is under threat of infection.

Little has been done with this ingredient until recently. Lactoferrin is present in substantial quantities in mother's milk and plays an important role in the defence system of infants. It is also present in various body fluids and continues to play an important role in the immune system of adults.

Lactoferrin, in supplement form, is extracted from whey protein, which is found in cow's milk and is suitable for the lactose intolerant.

Get natural relief

A regular dose of vitamin C relieves colds by reducing the severity and duration of symptoms such as coughs and sneezes.

Andrographis is a powerful natural remedy traditionally used to relieve symptoms and aid recovery from mild upper respiratory tract infections such as colds. It also helps alleviate fever, coughs and sore throats.

Andrographis is an Ayurvedic herb which has been used for hundreds of years in Chinese and Indian medicine as a powerful traditional remedy for conditions such as cold and fever.

Relief can also be found with another traditional remedy – olive leaf extract. Olive leaf extract is a naturally sourced ingredient from olive tree leaves and contains oleuropein, a powerful antioxidant. Oleuropein is produced by olive trees to protect their leaves so they are resistant to insects and bacterial damage. Up to ten times more oleuropein exists in olive leaf extract than olive oil.

Cold and Flu tips:

  1. Wash your hands: Most cold and flu viruses are spread by direct contact. Someone who has the flu sneezes onto their hand and then touches the telephone, the keyboard or a kitchen glass.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids: Water hydrates you. How can you tell if you are getting enough liquid? By the colour of your urine. If it's deep yellow, you need more fluids.
  3. Get fresh air: A regular dose of fresh air is important. With Spring in the air – there's no better time.
  4. Don't smoke: statistics show that heavy smokers get more frequent and severe colds and more frequent ones.
  5. Cut alcohol consumption: heavy alcohol use damages the liver, which means that germs of all kinds won't leave your body as quickly.
  6. Food for thought: eat a well balanced diet and don't skip meals.
  7. Relax: keep in mind that relaxation is a learnable skill. Just 15 minutes a day of relaxation will keep nasties at bay.

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