31 Mar 2010

Relieving the discomfort of sinusitis

2 mins to read
Naturopath Jodi Van Dyk discusses some natural remedies for relief from sinus infection and sinus pain.

Sinus infection and sinus pain (commonly known as sinusitis) affect many of us. With symptoms such as headaches, facial pain, post nasal drip and decreased sense of smell, sinusitis can often have a large impact on our quality of life.

Fortunately, lifestyle changes as well as natural supplementation may help to ease sinus symptoms and manage this common problem.

The lowdown on sinusitis

The sinuses are air-filled spaces which are lined with a membrane that can swell and produce mucus in response to irritation. They are generally located either side of the nose and above the eyes. Sinusitis is a condition that occurs when the membranes (thin layers of tissue) in the sinuses become inflamed.

Symptoms of sinusitis

  • Facial pain
  • Headaches
  • Nasal discharge (usually pus like)
  • Decreased sense of smell
  • Fever (acute)
  • Bad breath (chronic)
  • Post nasal drip (chronic)

What causes sinusitis?

Inflammation of the sinus can result from many things; however the most common cause of acute sinusitis is upper respiratory tract infections such as the common cold.

These infections cause the passage between the sinuses and the nose to become inflamed, swell and often block which can then lead to a bacterial infection.

Chronic sinusitis is often thought to be linked to allergic tendencies. Allergies can cause recurrent inflammation and blockage of the nasal passage and sinuses.

Dietary involvement is also thought to play a part in perpetuating both chronic and acute sinusitis. Wheat and dairy products are thought by herbalists to aggravate sinusitis by causing excessive mucous discharge.

Tips for relieving acute sinusitis

Steam inhalation – this may help to loosen up the mucus for some time and make breathing a little easier. Add essential oils such as bitter orange and eucalyptus if you wish.

Menthol or eucalyptus packs  – wash cloths soaked in hot water (take care that the water isn’t too hot) and a few drops of either menthol or eucalyptus, and place these over the sinus areas. This may provide relief from congestion and may give some relief from sinus headache.

Netipot – these pots are often used in Ayurvedic herbal medicine and are used to flush out the nasal passage and sinuses. You can generally pick one up at any good health food store.

Echinacea purpurea or angustifolia helps to boost your immune system

Fluids – ensure adequate fluid intake in the form of water, herbal teas and broths to loosen and drain mucus.

If your sinusitis is chronic, you may wish to consider avoiding environmental irritants such as cigarette smoke, pollution and dust exposure.

Did you know?

  • The most common factor which contributes to sinusitis is the common cold.
  • Unlike other headaches, the headaches of sinus inflammation and congestion are felt in the centre of the face, the bridge of the nose and the cheeks. They are often worse on bending forward.

References available on request

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