The great thing about herbal medicines is that they often have more than one way of working. This is definitely the case with Andrographis paniculata, or Andrographis, as it is more commonly known.
This gem of a herb has a therapeutic effect on two entirely different body systems. Not only can it assist your immune system to fight off the baddies, but it can also help fuel that digestive fire, too. As winter approaches, this is great news for those who struggle with digestive issues.
Andrographis is most well recognised in western herbal medicine for its effects on the immune system. Clinical trials suggest that Andrographis is effective in reducing the severity and length of Upper Respiratory Infections (URIs) in adults and children if treatment is started within the first 36-48 hours of symptoms. For this reason, Andrographis is often used to assist in treating the common cold. However, this is not where the therapeutic effects of this herb end.
Historically, Andrographis has been used to assist digestion for hundreds of years in India, as well as in Chinese and Thai herbal traditions. In India it is the main ingredient in a common home remedy to help with fever and as a ‘bitter’ for digestive problems. Also in India, the leaves and juice are commonly mixed with cardamom, clove and cinnamon to help treat colic and other stomach problems in infants.
Standing between 30-100 cm, Andrographis is grows in moist, shady environments. The part used most commonly medicinally is the leaves. It has also been used as a food source, though if you are tempted to eat some you had better be prepared for an extremely bitter taste! Andrographis is known as the 'King of Bitters'. The term is a translation from its title in the Indian Ayurvedic tradition, Maha-tita, literally 'King of Bitters'. Bitter herbs are well known to stimulate digestion.
Other actions attributed to Andrographis include an anti-inflammatory effect, as well as a cardiovascular system protective effect among others, making this a versatile herb indeed.
Andrographis at a glance
Botanical name: Andrographis paniculata
Family: Acanthaceae
Part used: leaves
Actions: bitter tonic/digestive, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, reduces fever, protects and tones the liver, modulates immunity
Uses: common cold, lowered immune function, digestive weakness, diarrhoea, flatulence
Cautions: do not use in pregnancy
References available on request