By Kathryn Terrill: Having just completed the huge task of a long distance move recently, I became very much aware of the impact of such an undertaking on my general health and wellbeing.
Interestingly, I found that it was my digestive health that suffered the most! This experience prompted me to write an article on how to reduce the impact of stress and a change in routine on the digestive system. Look out for it.
As I was writing, I took the opportunity to cast my mind’s eye back to times when my poor digestive health was demoted on my list of priorities. I can see how often my digestion has come off second best as I've focused on adventure, new experiences and big challenges. For me personally, this has taken the form of travel, a new relationship, moving, a huge workload or even a new job.
What strikes me is how a suffering digestive tract seems to sneak up on me! Subtly, poor food choices seem to infiltrate like they are part of a secret service mission aimed to fool the unsuspecting target. It starts slowly at first. My preferred food choice is unavailable or inconvenient to obtain, and I feel disappointed at the substitute option. But then, I start to adapt and even when the opportunity is there to easily re-establish the old routine, I get stuck in the new one.
I like the convenience of an easier option. I start to subconsciously tell myself that it's just for the time being until A, B or Z happens. Oh, the ingenuity of the deception! And before I know it, I'm conveniently ignoring symptoms, the bad habits have procreated and I have created a digestive monster!
I'm thinking that as you read this, you are feeling comforted by the fact that this kind of thing can happen to a naturopath, too! And this is one of the great insights I've gained through my health related training and experiences.
Health is a fluid entity. It is like a set of scales that sometimes tips into a negative balance and other times moves to a place of heightened vitality and strength. I like to picture my commitment to good health as a constant process of assessing the state of those scales and re-adjusting periodically to move closer to a state of balance rather than unachievable perfection.
How are your scales balanced right now?