Make time in your diary for 3 x 30 minute sessions per week to exercise. If you make a commitment to yourself and note it in your diary, you are more likely to honour this appointment. For some of you early morning will work best (get it out of the way early in the day), and for others it will be best after work. Find what works for you.
Find someone you can be accountable to. It is more fun with someone else. You might have a variety of exercise buddies – one for walking, one for the gym, one for tennis – whatever works for you, find someone to exercise with.
If you enjoy group exercise and want to use state of the art equipment, find a gym that works for you. When selecting a gym ensure it is a reputable company, the facilities are close to your home or work (if it is not convenient you won't use it), and there is plenty of staff on the floor to assist you with questions and techniques. Don't be intimidated by gyms - most gyms these days offer many forms of exercise, from yoga, tai chi, spin class, aerobics, weight-training and roller blading!
Set up your home gym in your lounge area and watch the news while you work out. Alternatively play a fast CD while you use a walking machine. Find a way to stay interested in what you are doing.
If you can't get motivated on your own, consider investing in a personal trainer. These specialists are no longer only for the rich – many people use these services either through a gym or private practice. They can kick start your fitness plan and be a good source of encouragement and accountability. When selecting a good personal trainer, ensure they are qualified, friendly and will help you achieve your goals. If they are more interested in talking on their mobile phone or staring at themselves in the mirror when they are training you, find a new personal trainer.
On weekends grab a Frisbee and head to the park, buy a basket ball and play one-on-one with your partner or flatmate, drive to the nearest beach or lake and go for a walk, go roller blading, try ice skating, do a new gym class you have never tried, buy a yoga DVD, or join a soccer club. Don't get bored: keep your exercise interesting.
Keep a list of things you want to achieve i.e. run up the stairs without getting puffed, walk four kilometres in less than an hour, complete a full spin class without stopping – write your goals down and read them daily.
Preferably not with chocolate! Buy yourself a new pair of walking shoes or gym outfit, have a massage, or have a soak in the tub. Find ways to reward yourself for your hard work and dedication.
Encourage yourself by keeping an exercise journal. Record your training sessions and any new achievements you might enjoy. For example, you may not be able to reach your toes, but after doing some yoga classes or stretching you find you can reach! Celebrate your success.
If you want a good reason to exercise, think of all the published benefits like a healthier body, improved resistance to sickness and improved self-esteem.
Learn how to breathe correctly when you train. Yoga is especially good for this as it teaches diaphragmatic breathing. The more oxygenated your blood the healthier you will be.
This great form of exercise is fun and you won't notice you are working out. Learn a new type of dance, like salsa or belly dancing, or hit a couple of nightclubs – whatever takes your fancy.