Problem #1: Your entire body hurts
When you start a new fitness regime you’re likely to suffer from delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). DOMS occurs about a day or two after doing exercise that your body is unaccustomed to.
Solution: Get stretching
Combat sore muscles by incorporating regular stretching as part of your exercise regime. Stretching helps to improve muscle flexibility, reduce muscle tension, improve joint range of motion and promote circulation.
Problem #2: You’re tired, tired, tired
Combining your new fitness regime with your other everyday commitments at work and home can leave you feeling like you’re running on empty. The extra physical demand on your body can make you tired, and certain nutrients are needed in higher amounts during times of physical activity.
Solution: Nutrients for energy support
B vitamins help to replenish nutrients depleted due to strenuous physical activity. They also assist in producing energy from food and help to support the healthy functioning of the nervous system.
Magnesium is an essential nutrient that plays a vital role in the production of energy. It supports your energy levels when you’re working out and it’s also important for healthy muscle function.
Problem #3: You just can’t be bothered
The alarm goes off before your morning workout, but you always seem to find the snooze button. You say you’ll do your workout when you get home from work, but in the evening you talk yourself out of it because it’s been such a long, busy day.
Solution: Enlist a friend
You’re more likely to commit to exercise and stick with a routine if you train with someone else. When you are exercising with a friend, you can provide encouragement and motivate each other, and you’re more likely to get out of bed when you know your training partner is counting on you to slog it out with them. Plus, there’s nothing like a little healthy competition to get you going!
Problem #4: It’s beginning to feel like Groundhog Day
Once you are settled with your fitness program, it can sometimes feel a little repetitive and boredom may set in. Your motivation may start to fade and can be hard to find the enthusiasm to keep going.
Solution: Keep it varied
To get the best out of your exercise, keep it varied to maintain your interest. If you’re training for a running event, vary your training with some resistance exercise like pilates. Try yoga to keep the muscles supple and swimming for a cardio variation that’s less stressful on the joints. Choosing activities that you enjoy will also help to keep you interested.
Did you know?
- Pineapples may hold the key to assist injury recovery. Pineapple is a rich source of an enzyme called bromelain which may help to decrease swelling and inflammation after injury.
- The National Physical Activity Guidelines for Australia recommends at least 30 minutes of exercise of moderate intensity on most days of the week to achieve better health.
- Laughter Yoga may be just what you need relax and unwind. This technique developed by Dr. Madan Kataria, an Indian physician from Mumbai, combines unconditional laughter with yogic breathing for stress relief and a positive attitude.