A lack of physical activity drains your body of energy. Sitting at your desk all day hunched over your computer and sliding further into your chair results in heavy legs and a tight lower back.
Greater benefits of finding time to exercise include wellbeing and elevated moods that help us to perform at our best and cope better during stressful times.
The catch-22 is that when we do get busy and stressed one of the first things to drop from our schedules is our daily exercise.
You've probably been in this situation before: you plan to exercise in the morning, but when you wake up your mind is racing with everything that you have to do that day and you can't spare the time or the mental energy to exercise. You pack your gym bag and make a deal with yourself that you'll do something after work, but in reality you know you'll be too tired and tomorrow you'll probably sleep in a little…so what's the alternative?
I know you'll probably be grabbing lunch at your desk, but you can find ten minutes. So many people are working 10, 12 or even more hours per day without a significant break, and they're sacrificing their exercise and relaxation time to do it. So, it's time to bring your workout into the workplace.
Here are three simple exercises that will help you to recharge your body and handle the exercise dilemma at the same time.
Wall push-ups: push-ups are an excellent exercise that uses your entire upper body. If you haven't done a push-up for a few years you might find floor push-ups a real challenge, and besides if you're all dressed up for work, you don't want to go lying on the floor.
Squats: are excellent for toning the front and back of your legs and your buttocks.
Computer curls: you can do these at home in front of the television or at work in front of your computer. You'll need a small hand weight but if you don't have a dumbbell, a can of food works well.
Remember with exercise it is quality over quantity. And with weight-bearing exercises like the three above, the slower you go the faster you build muscle. More muscle in your body equals less fat in your body. Anyone for more muscle?
For more info visit www.jenniferjefferies.com