Supplementing with coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) may boost antioxidant enzymes and improve endothelial function to support heart health, reports new research.
"The results… indicate that the oral CoQ10 supplementation… has beneficial effects, which can be prescribed [attributed to] either to the bioenergetic role of quinone or to its antioxidant properties," the study said, as recently published in the European Heart Journal.
The researchers, headed by Luca Tiano from Italy's Polytechnic University of the Marche, conducted a randomised, placebo-controlled trial. This divided subjects sufferers into two groups. For a period of one month, the first group received 100 mg per day of CoQ10, while the other took placebos.
Findings showed that antioxidant enzyme activity such as ecSOD [extracellular superoxide dismutase], in blood vessel walls increased from 17.3+1.7 to 22.4+1.3 U/mL/min among the treated group; compared with a lift from 16.6+1.6 to 17.3+1.6 U/mL/min in the untreated group.
"The effect of CoQ10 on raising ecSOD levels represents a novel observation," the research commented.
Extracellular superoxide dismutase constitutes a major antioxidant enzyme system of blood vessel walls.