Body image an issue for men too
1 Sep 2013

Body image an issue for men too

1 mins to read
Once thought to be a women’s’-only issue, there is also pressure on men to live up to an ideal body image.

September 1st to 9th is Body Image Awareness Week which “aims to raise awareness ….. and take the opportunity to celebrate our bodies- unique, diverse, strong and beautiful!” and it's a good time to highlight the growing pressure on men to strive for the "perfect body".

Our body image can be closely linked to our self-esteem and outside pressures from the media or social networks can all impact upon body image, especially in younger age groups. Once thought to be a women’s’-only issue, there is also pressure on men to live up to an ideal image. Men in the media are often represented by people who are good at sport, or who have big muscles and six pack abs. Some men may also associate happiness and self-worth with this image. Yet living up to these standards is likely to be difficult for many men who don't have the time, dedication or genetics to achieve such goals.

Having a positive body image doesn’t mean that you are obnoxious, or think your body is perfect. It's more about being comfortable with, and kind to yourself. Identify your strong points, and focus on the positives. Avoid being dependant on others to recognise your achievements. You can't control what other people do or say. There will be times when you will have to be your own cheerleader. Celebrate your progress, and try not to expect perfection or obsess about setbacks. Treat yourself like you would a friend.

Are you happy with your body? How does it impact on your life? Do you have any male friends with body image issues?

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