Know your abs
Men are often conscious of their abdominal area, which can house either a six pack or a spare tyre depending on your lifestyle. The abdominal muscles perform a number of important functions in the body, including balance, breathing, support of your lower back and protection of your internal organs.
The abdominals are actually made up of three different muscle groups, including:
Which abdominal exercises are best?
A private study sponsored by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) compared a series of common abdominal exercises. While this study was not published in a peer reviewed journal, it was carried out by biomechanical researchers, and provides a helpful insight into what is the most effective way to train your abdominals.
Electromyography (EMG) equipment was used to monitor the activity of the rectus abdominus and the obliques while subjects performed movements targeting the midsection. Researchers also measured the activity of the rectus femoris, a muscle responsible for hip flexion that can take focus away from the abdominal muscles.
Exercises were then ranked according to the amount of EMG activity recorded in each of the muscle areas. Topping the list of the most effective exercises was the bicycle kick, followed closely by the second ranked captains chair. Abdominal crunches on an exercise ball were also rated highly.
How to get six pack abs
Your how to guide on the three most effective abdominal exercises for six pack abs:
1. Bicycle kicks
• Lie on your back with your knees bent, and feet off the floor.
• Place your hands behind your head, but don't pull your head forward.
• Bring your left elbow to your right knee, moving both towards each other.
• Then alternate sides, bringing your right elbow to your left knee. Your opposite knee extends back out while the other moves in.
• Keep your breathing relaxed and even throughout the exercise.
Comment - This pedalling type motion was ranked 1st for using the rectus abdominus, and 2nd for the obliques. It's also a great exercise because it requires no equipment.
2. Captain’s chair
• Lift yourself up so your lower back is pressed firmly against the back pad for support, and grab hold of the stability handles.
• Activate your core muscles (the transverse abdominus) by sucking your belly button in towards your spine.
• Using a controlled, slow movement, lift your knees up toward your chest until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
• Slowly return your knees back down until your legs are straight.
• Breathe in as you lift, and out as you lower your legs down.
Comment - This exercise is also known as hanging knee raises. It was ranked
1st for the obliques, and 2nd for the rectus abdominus. You will need a vertical knee raising machine to perform this exercise.
3. Ball crunches
• Sit on the front of an exercise ball with your feet flat on the floor.
• Lie back on the ball until your thighs and torso are parallel with the floor.
• Cross your arms over your chest and engage your core muscles.
• Contract your abdominals raising your torso to no more than 45 degrees.
• Exhale as you come up, and inhale as you return to the starting position.
Comment - Ball crunches were ranked third in terms of recruiting the rectus abdominus, and 6th for the obliques. However, there was significantly less activation of the rectus femoris (thigh muscle), making it potentially the best overall abdominal exercise. Keeping your feet wide apart provides more balance, and is suitable for beginners. Keeping your feet close together makes it harder to balance, and will further challenge the obliques.
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