31 Mar 2010

Men's health - tips for him

2 mins to read
How can you boost libido, lift energy and improve wellbeing? We ask naturopath and men's health specialist, Carl Gagnon.

Q. What are the essential nutritional needs of men?

Carl Gagnon: They need higher levels of zinc. Zinc is important for the production of testosterone and for prostate health.
Men tend to miss out on their vegetables as well. To enhance their energy and get those extra nutrients and vitamins, that is something they can really focus on. Vegetables are a great source of B-vitamins, and they also give us our fibre, which prevents us from becoming constipated and keep us moving  

Q. What are some great ways for men to boost their energy levels?

CG: A simple way is to increase fluid intake and make sure you're well-hydrated – that makes a difference to our cells, circulation and energy. If we're deficient in water, we need to draw it from somewhere else. And normally it's from the bowel or other cells that are considered non-essential. That's why people feel constipated and they become sluggish. Water gets your brain and heart into gear – it affects our mental functioning.

Another tip is to eat a broad variety of foods. Some men get stuck in their ways and stick to potatoes and meat. We should include more fish to make sure we get the oils needed for every cell in the body. Lifting energy and not becoming fatigued helps men with their quality of life and their relationships.  

Q. What are the major triggers behind low libido?

CG: As a naturopath, firstly I would look at the types of medication they're on – particularly if they are feeling fatigued and their energy is low. Low mood can be a cause as well – it affects your energy and sleep. Essentially it's locking yourself in a prison: even though you're expressing something on the outside, it may not be the way you feel on the inside. So people who are feeling low tend to attack themselves in some way and it brings down their confidence.

Part of libido is how you feel: attitudes towards sex and towards yourself. It's also a creative expression. Libido is instinctual – it could be an attraction or feeling of desire. But depending on how you use it, it can be transformed into something creative. It might come out through your art, music or sport. We can use that drive and energy for other things, not just for sex.  

Q. What is the best way to treat low libido?

CG: Keeping everything flowing and getting good nutrition. In terms of herbs I use, tribulis is a big one. It has been shown to increase testosterone in men and works very well. And withania is another one for libido – in India it is known as the ‘herb of one hundred husbands'. It works as a tonic, or an ‘adaptogen', which allows us to adapt and deal with stress, and it also has a relaxing effect. My other two favourites are Korean and Siberian ginseng.

Stress is also something that really needs to be dealt with when addressing low libido and stamina. Look at the things you can do to reduce stress. Take time out for yourself and exercise. Exercise lets us burn off the extra stress hormones we have, and also gives us time to process things. I recommend exercising without music for that very reason. Get some fresh air and be with your thoughts.

Find something that helps you to relax. Yoga is fantastic for the stretching and exercise. Often you're in a room full of beautiful women as well! I often give that as a tip to men: if you're single, go to yoga class – you'll get a lot out of it, and you might even meet someone there.

Massage is another great thing for stress relief. It's often the only time people really take time out for themselves. Just 1-1½ hours, just for you. To recharge and take a break from the stimulation that surrounds us. People see it as a pampering thing when it's not, I see it as essential.  

Q. Are there any foods that are good for lifting libido? 

CG: Zinc rich foods are good. Including nuts in the diet is very important – things like pumpkin seed. With these, you're getting a source of fats, too, particularly the ones we tend to be deficient in. Almonds are known as the ‘king of nuts' because of their zinc, magnesium and omega-6 content. Cashews and good also, as are avocados – more so for the fatty acids.

Magnesium is often something we can be deficient in, too. This is important for energy production and blood sugar levels. It also helps us to relax the body and eases muscle tension.

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