The prostate and kidney health
The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that filter around 180 litres of blood every day. They help regulate the balance of fluids and nutrients in your body, and remove metabolic waste materials through your urine. Men have been found to be 67% more likely to experience serious, long term kidney problems compared to women. Research has recently investigated the impact of an enlarged prostate on kidney health. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a common condition in older men. It is characterized by an enlarged prostate which can make urination difficult.
The research
Research published in Kidney International examined the association between BPH and kidney disease in men. They found that men who show signs and symptoms of bladder outlet obstruction are up to three times more likely to suffer problems with their kidney health. The signs of bladder outlet obstruction include discomfort in emptying the bladder, a slowed stream of urine and frequent urges to urinate during the night. It’s thought that an obstruction of the bladder that causes urinary retention can lead to increased bladder pressures and bladder wall thickening, both of which have been directly associated with kidney problems. There was no association found between prostatic enlargement and chronic kidney problems.
Caring for your kidneys
The following lifestyle strategies may help to prevent kidney problems, and allow them to function at their best.
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