Blackmores Infant Nutrition range FAQs

Infant Nutrition Range FAQs

7 mins to read

How do I prepare my baby’s formula?

Please look at both methods detailed below and choose the one that is best for your family. If you are unable to reliably store your baby’s formula in cool, dry conditions, your baby has health issues or was born prematurely, please consider using the hot water preparation with water no cooler than 70°C
The WHO and other many other health advisory bodies advise that best practice is to boil the kettle and allow it to cool for just under half an hour to reach approximately 70°C. You then add the powder to the water and can cool the prepared milk down to feeding temperature quickly by running the bottle under the cold water tap or placing in a jug of cool water. 

Please be sure to check that the milk has cooled down to the right temperature before you feed your baby. It should feel just slightly warm on your skin. 

What temperature should the water be to prepare my baby’s formula?

It is widely accepted that using water that is 70°C is the best when preparing infant formula. You can do this easily by boiling the kettle and leaving it to cool for just under half an hour. In this time, it will reach approximately 70°C.

You then add the powdered milk to the water and then cool the prepared milk down to feeding temperature. When the milk is ready to feed to the baby, it should feel just slightly warm on your skin. Please make sure it is not too hot when you feed it to your baby. 

Why is there different advice for the best temperature to use to prepare infant formula?

Different countries have differing guidelines regarding the temperature of water to use when preparing formula. 

Current guidance in Australia is to use lukewarm water which is achieved by boiling the kettle and leaving to cool for approximately 30 minutes. There is no temperature specified in Australian guidelines.

The World Health Organisation and other notable health bodies such as the NHS advise that formula should be reconstituted using water no cooler than 70 degrees. This can easily be achieved by boiling the kettle and leaving it to cool for no longer than half an hour. 

The hot water preparation using water of 70°C is advised for any baby with health issues or those that were born prematurely at least for the first 3-6 months. Please take care to cool the milk down and test the temperature is not too hot before feeding to your baby.

Why 70°C?

This is because infant formula is not a sterile product and has properties that make it an ideal growth medium for potentially harmful bacteria that can make your baby very sick.

Even with meticulous manufacturing standards, once a tin is opened, bacteria may be introduced into the powder which is dangerous for susceptible babies. Studies show that preparing infant formula according to the WHO guidelines at 70°C minimises the risks of baby getting sick if there is harmful bacteria is in the powder. 

Will using hot water (70°C) destroy the nutrients in infant formula?

Our manufacturer has advised that they have no concerns with the nutritional content of our formulas when prepared at 70 degrees so please feel free to choose the method that best suits your circumstances. 

Formulas that contain probiotics should not be prepared at higher temperatures because the probiotics will be inactivated by the higher temperature. This is not a concern for Blackmores infant formulas, as they contain prebiotics rather than probiotics.

The prebiotics found in Blackmores infant formulas support your baby’s gut health by providing food for the health promoting bacteria which helps your baby to build a healthy microbiome. 

How to store prepared formula

It is always best to prepare your baby’s formula fresh for each feed.

Formula prepared using the above WHO endorsed hot water method may be stored in the refrigerator below 5 degrees Celsius for up to 24 hours. 

Can my baby use Blackmores Toddler Milk Drink after 24 months?

Yes, Toddler Milk Drink is appropriate for children over the age of 12 months who want to continue using a milk drink that is fortified with some added nutrients as part of balanced diet.

There is no cut off age for using Toddler Milk drink, you can choose to continue to give it as long as you feel your child needs it. 

It is important to remember that Toddler Milk should not be used as the only source of nutrition, it is to be used as a supplement to the normal diet for those that need some extra nutritional support. 

How do I know that I am buying a genuine Blackmores Infant Formula?

Buy from a reputable source

Blackmores has an exclusive distribution partnership with Lien Phong for Vietnam and CNE Wellness in Cambodia. If your Blackmores Infant Formula comes from an official retailer who purchases stock from Lien Phong in Vietnam and CNE Wellness in Cambodia, you can be assured that you are buying a genuine Blackmores product.

Look for Blackmores Blue dot technology and serialised QR code on the bottom of the tin

Each QR code is unique and allows full traceability from the origin of each individual product to the store or location where the product is sold. You can scan the unique QR code within the blue dot using the camera on your phone, or via WeChat. Once scanned, you will be connected to an independent 3rd party verification website provided by a company called Trustcodes. The code takes you to an app that validates the product’s authenticity and includes other important information such as:
  • Batch number
  • Expiry date
  • Key product benefits
  • Supporting product facts
  • Advisory Support Services
The new technology looks like this:

QR code on the bottom of Blackmores Infant Formula tin

If you believe that the product you have purchased contains counterfeit product, please contact Blackmores Advisory at Please provide photos of the tin from all angles, including the top and bottom along with the date and place of purchase. 

Finally, please do not sell empty tins of Blackmores Infant Formula. If you know of people offering to buy them, please advise us ASAP. Your privacy will be strictly protected.

How can I check that I have a genuine Blackmores product?

You can check by scanning Blackmores Blue dot technology and serialised QR code on the bottom of the tin.

Each QR code is unique and allows full traceability from the origin of each individual product to the store or location where the product is sold. You can scan the unique QR code within the blue dot using the camera on your phone, or via WeChat.

Once scanned, you will be connected to an independent 3rd party verification website provided by a company called Trustcodes. The code takes you to an app that validates the product’s authenticity and includes other important information such as:
  • Batch number
  • Expiry date
  • Key product benefits
  • Supporting product facts
  • Advisory Support Services
If you still have concerns, you can contact Blackmores at

Quality issues

Please contact your in-country distributor if you have concerns about the quality of your product. 

Australia: Blackmores Advisory
Phone: 1800808669

Vietnam: Lien Phong
Phone: 1800 6982 (Only use in Vietnam)

Why do some batches of milk powder look, smell or taste a little different?

Every batch is the same high-quality product produced using milk from grass fed cows pastured in North East Victoria. Cow’s milk is a natural product and is subject to natural variations throughout the year depending on things such as the season.

Every batch is tested to ensure that it meets our rigorous quality standards and contains the amount of each nutrient declared on the label. We do not add any artificial colorings to standardize the appearance of our infant formulas and prefer instead to see the natural colour of the milk. 

What should I do if my baby develops vomiting and diarrhea after having formula?

Bringing up some milk after a feed is different to a baby with vomiting and diarrhoea- babies should not experience vomiting and diarrhoea after consuming infant formula. If your baby gets vomiting and diarrhoea, you should take your baby to your health care provider.
If infant formula is stored or prepared incorrectly, it can make your baby sick. You can reduce the chance of your baby getting sick from infant formula by:
  • Storing the tin of formula in cool, dry conditions- Best place is a dark cupboard that stays below 25°C
  • Using safe water to prepare the formula- Use tap water that has been previously boiled for 5 minutes
  • Ensuring that all bottles and teats are cleaned properly before giving them to your baby
  • Preparing the formula with water at or above 70°C before cooling it to feed to your baby
  • Discarding any formula that hasn’t been consumed after 1 hour
It can be normal for some formula feeding babies to bring up a little milk after feeding, this is because the baby is getting more milk than the stomach can handle too quickly, and this is different to vomiting and diarrhoea. If your baby regularly brings up some milk after feeding, they may benefit from using the paced bottle-feeding technique.

Why do some formula feeding babies have green poop?

Some children develop green stools due to the iron fortification of infant formula and this is considered normal. If you are concerned about your baby’s health, you should seek advice from your baby’s health care provider. 

I’ve noticed changes on the packaging, what should I do?

Although Blackmores try to minimise changes to packaging, there are occasions where small changes to the packaging are necessary. If you have purchased your product from an authorised retailer, you will be likely to have a genuine Blackmores product.

If you notice a small change to the packaging and you are concerned, please check where changes to packaging will be communicated by Blackmores. Or you can email

What should I do if I want to switch formula to Blackmores Infant Formula?

How do I switch my baby to Blackmores Infant Formula from another brand?

Blackmores infant formulas have the natural creamy taste of milk and most babies will happily change brands without any problems.

If you are worried that your baby is not used to getting different tastes and expect the change to be difficult, you can try switching your baby to Blackmores before you run out of your previous brand.

This way, if your baby doesn’t take to Blackmores straight away, you will be able to help them get used to the new taste gradually. 
It is a good idea to try your baby with a bottle of Blackmores and see if they accept it straight away. If they, do, you simply start giving Blackmores in place of your previous brand. 

If your baby does not take to Blackmores straight away, you can continue to try smaller amounts of Blackmores before feeding the old brand. Each time your baby refuses the new taste, try again but don’t force it. If your baby refuses, give them the old brand to satisfy their hunger and continue to offer small amounts of the new taste at times when they are not too hungry. 

It may take several tries of the new taste before the baby then accepts it without any resistance. 

Should I mix the new brand with the old brand in the same bottle?

No, this is not a good idea and will not usually help baby accept the new taste. 

Each formula brand has different amounts of protein and requires a different amount of powder to water. If a formula is too concentrated, it could make your baby sick. If it is not concentrated enough, they may miss out on important nutrients. It is very difficult to ensure the right mix of nutrients when combining different formula products. 

It is best to mix up separate bottles of each formula and allow your baby to get used to the taste of the new brand by having regular tastes of the new while using the old brand to satisfy their hunger. 

I am worried that my baby will react to a new type of formula. Should I try a little bit before giving a whole bottle?

Most babies will have no problems with a full bottle of formula and can easily switch between different brands of formula. If your baby has previously been having a cow’s milk based formula with no problems, they are likely to be OK with a full bottle of the Blackmores formula. 

If you are switching from a specialty formula such as an anti- reflux or a hypoallergenic formula, or if you are worried that your baby has a sensitive stomach, you can try giving a small amount of the Blackmores formula before giving a full bottle and watch to see that it suits your baby’s needs.  

Can I make up a small amount for my baby to try? I don’t want to make up a full bottle each time I want my baby to taste the new formula

Yes, you can make up smaller amounts for your baby to try. Please add one scoop of powder to 60ml of water.

Can I mix Blackmores Infant Nutrition products with cereals or colostrum?

Do not add other food or supplements, such as cereal or colostrum to the milk unless your baby’s health provider advises you to. Blackmores infant formulas contain all the nutrition your baby needs. If you believe your baby needs extra food or supplements, please discuss this with your baby’s health care provider. 

Where can I buy Blackmores Infant formulas in Australia?

Blackmores formulas can be purchased online from the Blackmores website and found on the shelves and online in Chemist Warehouse Stores nationally.

Where can I buy Blackmores Infant formulas in Vietnam?

Blackmores formulas can be found on the shelves and online from the following baby stores: 
  • Bibomart
  • Kidsplaza
  • Tuticare
To find the nearest retailer to you, please contact our exclusive distributors in Vietnam or find us on Facebook or contact Lien Phong at:

Phone: 1800 6982 (In Vietnam only)


About Lien Phong- Exclusive distribution partner for Infant formula in Vietnam

Lien Phong is the exclusive distribution partner for Blackmores Infant Formula in Vietnam. 

Reseller enquires

If you wish to become a retailer of Blackmores Infant formula in Vietnam, please contact Lien Phong on:
Hotline: 1800 6982 (For use in Vietnam)

Blackmores customer statement on Infant Formula testing in Vietnam

Blackmores customer statement on Infant Formula testing in Vietnam (Vietnamese)

Label changes to Blackmores Newborn and Follow On Infant Formula

Blackmores FAQs update April 2021 (EN/ English)

Blackmores FAQs update April 2021 (VN/ Vietnamese)

Blackmores FAQs update December 2021 (EN/ English)

Blackmores FAQs update December 2021 (VN/ Vietnamese)

Blackmores FAQs update March 2022 (EN/English)

Blackmores FAQs update March 2022 (VN/Vietnamese)

Blackmores FAQs document update for label changes to Newborn and Follow On formulas_Apr V4

Label change to Blackmores New born Follow on and Toddler VN

What should I do if I need more help?

Please speak with your baby’s healthcare provider or contact Blackmores Infant Nutrition Advisory service at

Read the FAQs in Vietnamese

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