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How to keep your dogs digestion in check over the holidays

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How to keep your dog’s digestion in check over the holiday season

We all know that a healthy digestive system is essential to your dog’s well-being and overall health and happiness, so what we feed them matters. But, truly, it goes beyond just that.

For dogs, digestion begins in the mouth the moment they pick up their food and begin chewing. Enzymes contained in the saliva start breaking down the food before it’s swallowed and food is then broken down further in the stomach, where its nutrients are absorbed in the intestines (1). This process can be hindered when dogs eat something bad for them, like chocolate or fried and overly fatty foods, or when they overindulge in treats, table scraps or food not meant for them. And, hey, we get it. Looking into those loving eyes, it’s difficult not to surrender to their pleading and sneak them that last little bit of ham, crispy chip or leftover rich gravy.

So, how can PAW by Blackmores products help you keep your dog and cat’s digestion in top shape over the silly season? We’re glad you asked, and we’re here to help.

Supporting a healthy microbiome

The gut’s environment, or microbiome, plays a huge role in our pet’s overall health. A healthy tummy with lots of beneficial or ‘friendly’ gut-dwelling microbes (bacteria and yeasts) strengthens immunity to illnesses, helps to increase resistance against diseases and keeps a robust metabolism smoothly moving along. Healthy guts also have a barrier that adheres to the lining of the stomach, providing extra protection against irritation and stomach upset (2). This means tummy troubles are few and far between, and you have a happy pet with fewer vet visits.

When good bacteria levels are lacking, the digestive system can’t process food properly, and there may be loose stools, flatulence or diarrhoea. This lack of good gut bacteria can also mean susceptibility to illnesses and sensitivity to certain foods, especially with the added stressors of the holidays.

But just how can you support a healthy microbiome in your best furry friend? Enter probiotics.

Probiotics are live bacteria that have been designed to live in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and keep the gut bacteria balance in check (3). A daily supplement, like PAW DigestiCare is a smart preventative option for maintaining gut health in your pet and is just the right dose for preserving and strengthening intestinal balance. A great-tasting multi-strain probiotic powder that contains fermented wholefoods, it simply sprinkles on your pet's food, so there are no pills or capsules to have spit out or refused. The fermented wholefoods in PAW DigestiCare delivers essential amino and fatty acids, key vitamins and mineral, providing additional health benefits to the GI tract and overall health and wellbeing.

Easy, actionable ways to prevent a digestive flare-up

With schedules that have changed, routines being off, and visitors coming and going, your pet may feel more stress than usual over the holidays. This can negatively affect their gut bacteria and leave them having symptoms of gastrointestinal distress.

How can you help your pet stay gut-health happy?

  • Stick to the usual feeding habits. Pets thrive on routine, just like most people do. Changes can cause stress and anxiety.
  • Engage in physical activity with your pet before visitors come over, or you’ll be away for longer than usual. This allows them to burn off steam and excess energy.
  • Refrain from feeding your pet junk food. While it may seem innocent– and even caring– to share your burger or restaurant leftovers with your pet, it can quickly upset their stomach and even cause illness if poisonous.
  • Limit treats. One small treat is the equivalent of a cookie to humans, so consider baby carrots, a handful of frozen peas or even blueberries (3).
  • Ask visitors not to feed pets any cheeky bites. Even if they beg.
  • Feed a healthy, well-balanced pet food with a high nutrition level.
  • Add a probiotic supplement to their diet for preventative maintenance.

How can you help to reduce an accidental digestive flare-up 

Sometimes, it happens. Try as we might, tummy upsets can get the best of our pet, and we need to respond. 

First and foremost, consider calling your vet. Explain to them the symptoms you’re seeing, from flatulence to severe diarrhoea. Medical intervention is a must if you notice repeated frequent vomiting or a bloody/runny stool. 

If your pet is overwhelmed due to the stressors of the holiday, consider providing them with a safe quiet space away from the ‘action’ with soft noise left on for them. Don’t forget to check in on them periodically. 

Feed them a bland diet for a few days until symptoms subside, as this will help reset the gut flora and increase good bacteria. Everything should be plain and seasoning-free. A few ideas for meals include (4):

  • Cooked white rice with shredded chicken breast
  • Cooked pumpkin, pureed or very soft
  • Cooked sweet potato and plain yogurt

Don’t forget to add a probiotic to your pet’s food to prevent and maintain prime gut health for a long and healthy life together.


  1. MSD Veterinary Manual: Introduction to Digestive Disorders of Dogs
  2. Frontiers: The Role of the Canine Gut Microbiome and Metabolome in Health and Gastrointestinal Disease
  3. American Kennel Club: Probiotics for Dogs
  4. VCA Hospitals: Bland Diet Instructions for Dogs and Cats

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