As part of the routine maintenance regime for your pooch, you should regularly wash your furry friend. But as a pet owner, how do you know the specifics of a good wash regime? Here are some dog-washing tips to help keep your pooch healthy and pleasant on the nose.
How many times do I need to wash my dog?
This is a tough one, as it’s somewhat dependent upon your dog’s age, breed, behavioural habits, inclination towards water, and so on. Certain breeds, such as long haired dogs and breeds with excessive skin folds, e.g. Shar Peis, will be predisposed to trap moisture and develop infections, and will need a different bathing regime to short-haired indoor pooches.
And, if you’re like every other pet owner, you’ve probably come to the obvious conclusion that dogs are always going to get filthy no matter what you do!
So there really isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to this question. As a guide, try to wash your dog whenever they become noticeable dirty and smelly. However, take care not to over do it. Some dogs, if washed too frequently can quickly lose those natural oils that make the hair silky and smooth. So try to strike that balance between keeping your dog smelling fresh, yet retaining a healthy coat.
What should I use to wash my dog?
There are a whole swag of products out there for washing your dog, including a variety of natural, medicated and organic shampoos and conditioners. As a rule of thumb, always do your research when purchasing your dog’s products, but try to use a natural product when you can. Oatmeal shampoos and conditioners are great options.
How do I wash my dog?
Every pet owner will have their own tips on the best technique to adopt, so instead of recommending a specific approach to follow, here are some helpful hints:
Hopefully now you can set up a bathing regime for your pooch, which will be a stress-free experience for everyone involved.
WATCH: Dr Alister Webster - How to Wash Your Dog
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What tips and tricks do you use for washing your dog?