Whether or not to breastfeed is among the many big decisions you’ll be facing when your new baby arrives.
World Health Organization and
Australian guidelines recommend exclusive breastfeeding of infants to six months of age when solid foods are introduced.
It’s recommended that complementary foods and breastfeeding is continued until the age of 1 to years and beyond, if both mum and bub wish.
Breastfeeding diet
If breastfeeding is right for you and your child, eating a healthy diet is a vital step for both of you.
The foods you consume while nursing cross from the blood vessels that supply the mammary glands into the breast milk, so it stands to reason that your diet plays a primary role in getting your baby off to the right start.
“When you’re breastfeeding, you are responsible for both your own nourishment and that of your baby,” says dietitian Louise Perkins from Sydney’s Gilbert Collins Medical Practice.
“The macro-nutrients that give you energy – carbohydrates, proteins and fats – are crucial in terms of making sure you have enough calories and nutrients to make the volume of milk your baby needs and to protect your own health as well.”
It’s important not to try to lose weight while you’re breastfeeding, as dieting and restricting foods may result in insufficient energy and nutrients for your baby’s development.
In fact, it’s thought that exposing your baby to a spectrum of flavours (including spicy foods) can lead a higher tolerance to new foods and tastes later on.
One of the best way to maintain optimum health for both yourself and your baby is to eat regularly and include a wide variety of fresh, whole foods – it’s really that simple.
Here’s what you need.
Eat your protein
Your body uses protein to produce breast milk and promote your baby’s growth and development.
The best sources are animal protein from lean meats and poultry; eggs; cheese and yoghurt; nuts and seeds; and legumes, such as lentils, beans and peanuts.
Boost your calcium
You need calcium-rich foods to protect your own bone health – up to 210 mg of calcium per day is secreted in milk while breastfeeding – as well as help build up your baby’s.
Dairy products (milk, yoghurt, cheese and ice cream) are an ideal source of calcium. However, if you or your baby can’t tolerate dairy, or if you’re vegan, other good sources include fortified soy or nut milks; almonds and Brazil nuts; and dark, leafy greens such as kale, spinach, broccoli, bok choy and swiss chard.