If someone told me just last week that I was going to experience a two-hour labour I would have laughed in his or her face. I’d heard of it of course, BUT that was other people’s experience. My first child was delivered after 24-hour marathon so I figured the odds were stacked toward me facing a similar fate second time round. I was so wrong…
The reality I faced took me by such surprise I almost gave birth in a car! After arriving at hospital last Sunday in the midst of intense contractions my first and only internal examination revealed I was fully dilated! Ten minutes later I was staring down into my newborn daughter’s eyes, even now I find it hard to believe! I guess just like pregnancy, no two labours are the same, but who would have thought two could be so different?
Have you, or someone you know, had an extraordinary or unique birth experience? Or did your first and second labours follow a predictable pattern?