In late October, members of the
Australian Packaging Covenant (APC) attend the Blackmores Campus at Warriewood, on Sydney’s Northern Beaches to see how we have embraced the concept of sustainability across our entire business, including in the way we manage and produce our packaging.
Blackmores Environment and Sustainability Manager, Jackie Smiles, and Production Manager, Todd Harris, led the group through a Campus tour to understand the necessary requirements and controls imposed on all processes concerning complementary medicines and pharmaceutical packaging. The team also learned about the code of ‘Good Manufacturing Practice’ (GMP) and why it is so important in the manufacture and packing of Therapeutic Goods under the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).
Blackmores was also delighted to demonstrate our closed-loop packaging process to the group – a practice introduced in 2014, for deliveries to our packaging facility at Warriewood which resulted in the removal of more than 60 tonnes of cardboard and plastic waste as well as giving improved handling time and operational efficiencies.
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Along with the implementation of the innovative bespoke returnable pallets and reusable layer pads, APC saw firsthand how this has mitigated significant volumes of materials and driven efficiencies in handling. Blackmores is proud to be an award-winning APC signatory, and our amber bulk packs have been a fantastic packaging innovation over the past year – an environmentally considerate polypropylene container that replicates the amber glass bottles that Blackmores products have been sold in since the company was founded in the 1930s.
Blackmores was recognised as the Covenant’s ‘Signatory of the Year’ at the 2016 Awards, with the highest overall performance in the last reporting period. Blackmores is proud to continue to demonstrate long-term dedication to packaging sustainability.
It was a pleasure to have APC visit the Blackmores Campus and share our processing and packaging activities. Blackmores is committed to environmental, social and economic sustainability practices and it is important we actively consider these impacts and influences of our business while seeking ways to use our unique capabilities and resources to make a positive contribution beyond our core products and services.