Vitex agnus-castus- chaste tree (or chaste berry) is one of the most common herbs prescribed for women’s health issues.
Native to the Mediterranean and Central Asia, use of chaste tree dates back to ancient Greece and Rome.
Hippocrates (450 BC) and Dioscorides (50 AD) were known to prescribe chaste tree for enlargement of the spleen, uterine inflammation and to expel the afterbirth.
In Persia, chaste tree was known for its mental health benefits.
And in recent years, chaste tree has come under the research spotlight, with science adding weight to tradition.
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Clinical trials have demonstrated that chaste tree may offer relief for premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms, such as headache, constipation, breast tenderness, irritability and mood changes.
In 2001, a study published in the British Medical Journal compared menstrual cycles of 170 women and found chaste tree improved PMS symptoms by at least 50% in over half of the women after 3 months.
Menstrual cycle irregularities
Chaste tree is commonly used by herbalists and naturopaths to assist women with irregular menstrual cycles.
One controlled clinical trial, which looked at women diagnosed with a defect of the luteal phase (the time from ovulation to the period) due to latent high prolactin levels, found that chaste tree reduced prolactin release. Shortened luteal phases were normalized or made longer.
Mastalgia (breast pain)
Mastalgia (breast pain) is considered to relate to high levels of the hormone prolactin, and as chaste tree has been shown to reduce prolactin release (as mentioned above), it is a popular treatment for mastalgia.
Chaste tree was well tolerated and was effective in controlling the symptoms of mastalgia in a controlled trial of 97 patients suffering from mastalgia. Relief from breast pain was experienced after just one month, with further improvement in the second and third months.
Did you know?
Chaste tree for chastity
In ancient Rome, chaste tree leaves were worn by vestal virgins as a symbol of chastity. The herb was also used in monasteries to promote celibacy.
A cure for the Aussie mozzie?
Research has looked at the role of chaste tree as a repellent for mosquitoes and other pesky insects.
Relief for menopause?
Researchers are exploring the use of chaste tree for menopausal symptoms and have called for further investigation into this area.
Parasitol Res. 2005 Mar; 95 (5):363-5
BMJ. 2001 Jan 20; 322 (7279):134-7.
Maturitas. 2009 May 20; 63 (1):99-103
Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. 2006; 33 (4):205-8.
J Altern Complement Med. 2009 Aug;15(8):853-62
Other references available on request