The wonder herb 1260x542
31 Mar 2010

The wonder herb

1 mins to read
By Michelle Guillemard. Naturopath Siobhan Jordan wrote about the wonders of Chaste Tree in her article 'Chaste Tree: the menstrual miracle worker'. I asked her to explain why, in her own personal experience, it's such a wonderful herb...

By Michelle Guillemard. Naturopath Siobhan Jordan wrote about the wonders of Chaste Tree in her article 'Chaste Tree: the menstrual miracle worker'. I asked her to explain why, in her own personal experience, it's such a wonderful herb:

"Oh, how I do love Chaste Tree! For me, it really is God’s gift to women, particularly for those of us who struggle each month with debilitating PMS symptoms and other menstrual cycle challenges.  There’s just nothing quite like it.

"Getting down to the practicalities of using this herb, be aware that you usually need to use if for a number of menstrual cycles (e.g. 3 – 6) to notice significant changes.  In my experience, it’s also common that you may notice slight improvements in the first one or two cycles and improvements increase from there.

"So, to see how it’s working for you, consider keeping a diary and recording your symptoms (e.g. bloating, mood changes, headaches).  You’ll be able to track progress much more accurately.  More than likely, you’ll also become far more in tune with your body and mind too.  I’d even go as far as to predict that you could have a few Aha! moments along the way.  For example, those seemingly out of the blue low moods just might occur with a bit more regularity than you previously thought.

"That’s just a bit of my personal and professional experience with Chaste Tree."

I’d love to hear your experiences and any feedback you have with using this herb too. Good or bad, we’ll all learn something from your sharing of information.

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