Race week can be extremely exciting, yet tediously tiring at the same time. With months of physical preparation for an event coming to a close, “maranoia” can settle in and ruin our race week and race day experience.
‘Maranoia’, which could be described as a ‘trance of mild madness’ is suffered by all athletes alike, and the chief cause of such outlandish and irrational behaviour? The taper.
Taper: Being over-tired, over-trained, over hungry, having feelings of being underdone, and the ever present desire to go for JUST one more run at race pace to “loosen the legs”.
Being a running coach, I spend a significant amount of time around other runners.
These runners are funny creatures; they have varying degrees of superstitions, rituals and other creative idiosyncrasies.
Having coached numerous athletes from many different levels and backgrounds, I’ve heard them all.
From wearing the same socks every day, to staying up all night before a race, to day before sprint sessions, to eating a kilogram of pasta - I hear about all sorts of weird and wonderful tricks of the trade.
A successful race day is largely due to what is happening in your head, so here are some helpful hints that may assist you during race week.
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