The circulatory system works in a constant cycle of delivering blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the cells in your body and removing waste from the cells. Narrowed or blocked blood vessels can slow this process. This means the arteries or veins can’t push blood effectively to and from the heart. When the heart doesn’t receive blood from the veins and when the legs and feet don’t get blood from the heart, this can lead to serious health problems.
Impaired blood circulation can be a symptom of an underlying or pre-existing medical condition so it’s important to seek assistance before it gets worse.
Poor circulation more commonly affects those aged over 40, do low levels of exercise, carry excess weight or have diabetes.
You may feel pain, numbness, and tingling in the legs. Leg muscles may hurt or feel weak when walking, the skin may be pale or blue and you may have cold fingers or toes.
If you have spoken to your doctor and have a confirmed diagnosis of poor blood circulation in the legs, there are lifestyle strategies you can follow to manage it. A doctor or podiatrist should be able to advise on these. Below are some they may recommend:
Try to exercise daily to help improve blood circulation and reduce stress on the heart.
Improved circulation is a benefit commonly gained through massage. Deep, long strokes are used to increase venous return, the rate at which blood flows back to the heart. The strokes are performed in the direction of the heart so that blood can be pushed through vessels toward the heart.
Carrying extra weight can increase pressure on the legs.
Improve blood flow throughout the body by stretching.
One simple and easy pose that can help improve leg blood circulation is the “legs up the wall” pose. Lying down facing a wall, then place your legs up so they are resting on the wall.
With our legs below the heart, gravity makes it harder for blood to flow upward to the heart. In this yoga pose, you are in an inversion position, which helps put back into circulation the bodily fluids stored in your legs. Holding this inverted pose allows the return of blood flow.
Exercise to improve circulation. Simply by walking, the leg muscles help squeeze the veins to improve blood flow and circulation.
The College of Naturopathic Medicine recommends eating a diet rich in anti-inflammatory properties. This can mean consuming lots of fresh vegetables, lean protein and omega 3 fats, while avoiding highly processed foods, excessive sugar and adding warm spices to your food to promote healthy circulation and reduce inflammation. These spices include cinnamon turmeric, chilli, cardamon, cayenne, pepper and ginger.
When you smoke, the blood vessels tighten and restrict, slowing the flow of blood.
Compression stockings are designed to aid the circulation of blood in the veins.
Elevating the legs can help counteract the forces of gravity, reducing blood pressure in the legs. This can be done by placing your legs on a chair while lying down, or on a pillow when in bed.