Mindfulness is the practice of being in the ‘now’; being aware of the smells and sounds and sights around you in the present moment, rather than worrying about the future or past, or attaching any emotions or feelings to what you observe.
Not sure of the value? Think about the last few times you were stressed out or anxious. Chances are, you were thinking about something bad that already happened, or you were worrying about something that may happen in the future - people are rarely stressed about what is happening in the moment.
By teaching your kids how to focus solely on what is happening in the right now, they’re learning a valuable tool for destressing later in life, or managing stressful moments. And while it’s not always possible to switch off this stress, regularly practicing mindfulness can help with reducing stress and anxiety.
Science backs up this claim with research suggesting mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) can help reduce stress and improve other mental wellbeing.
On the social side of things, learning to be present in the moment can boost social skills and academic performance, as well as help you manage emotions.