Is dandruff a medical condition?
Charmaine Sofia: Dandruff is more of a cosmetic issue. Shedding and flaking of dead skin cells occurs all over the body but usually goes unnoticed. With dandruff, there is excess scaling and shedding of cells from the scalp. Because these dead cells become trapped by hair, it tends to be more visible.
What causes dandruff?
CS: The exact cause is not known, however the presence of yeast on the scalp can be involved.
There are other factors that should be considered if you suffer from a dry, flaky or itchy scalp including seborrhoeic dermatitis and psoriasis.
What are your tips to combat the appearance of dandruff?
CS: Wear light or patterned clothing when out and about or at work. Brush your hair daily to loosen and expel flakes Daily scalp massage to help loosen flakes- you can do this at home each night before brushing your hair.
Are there any home remedies you recommend?
CS: In my experience I have noticed that although some people suffer from oily hair, others have a dry scalp, and hair. Each seems to require a slightly different approach.
With those with oily hair I would suggest washing hair more regularly with tea tree shampoo. Alternatively, you can place a few drops of tea tree in with some lemon juice and apple cider vinegar to help with oily build-up. Tee tree oil shampoos have been shown to work effectively for managing the symptoms of dandruff.
People suffering from dryness do best with moisture being added to the scalp. I usually recommend jojoba or apricot kernel oil with a few drops of tea tree and rosemary before they shampoo to put moisture back in.
For all types, it is best to avoid or minimise hair products such as hair gels, as these can trap more flakes. People with sensitive scalps may do best to avoid dyes, sprays and all leave in products.
Are there any vitamins or minerals that will help?
CS: Zinc is important for healthy skin cells. Foods high in zinc include egg yolk, mussels, oysters, sunflower seeds, and meat.
I also recommend people include oily fish, nuts, seeds, avocado and flaxseed oil in their diet as they contain essential fatty acids. A deficiency in essential fatty acids can contribute to dry, scaly skin.
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