The Blackmores MORE report has provided insight into how busy Australians are trying to fit even more into their already hectic lives, including:
Blackmores wanted to find out why busy Australians are trying to squeeze even more into their lives. The survey involving 500 participants aged between 18 and 50 years of age looked at what we’re doing at home and work to cut corners and save on time.
A finding that was almost unanimous among those surveyed was that the pace of life has definitely changed in the last 10 years and that we are living in a pressure cooker environment with too much to do and not enough time to do it in.
What’s concerning though is that we know that our ‘busyness’ is impacting on our health and wellbeing, and we are still willing to cut corners with our health to fit more into each day.
Some of the more ‘extreme’ time-saving measures of the people surveyed include:
What are you doing to cut corners and save on time to fit more into each day?