Got your Bs?
Stress increases the requirements for the vitamin B group. Have your vitamin B levels assessed by a health professional, and if necessary, take steps to top them up during times when you're run down or low on energy.
If you're Victorian, a woman, and you sit behind a desk for most of the day, chances are you're more likely to have experienced a wave of the blues.
According to research out of the University of Melbourne, almost one in five working women attribute low mood to work stress.
There are, however, a raft of solutions to redress the balance, says Associate Professor Tony LaMontagne, lead researcher: "The evidence shows that improving job control, moderating demands, and providing more support from supervisors and co-workers makes a difference."
Provided your low mood is mild, here's some more ideas the Victorian Department of Health suggests:
Stress increases the requirements for the vitamin B group. Have your vitamin B levels assessed by a health professional, and if necessary, take steps to top them up during times when you're run down or low on energy.
References available on request