Spring is a time of new beginnings, and a great season for rejuvenating your health. The change in season brings with it an opportunity to spring clean your diet.
By cutting back on sugar, you can reset your taste buds and drop a few kilos in time for summer. It may also help to reduce cravings and stabilse your mood.
By taking seven days to gradually reduce your sugar intake, you can detox your body from this highly processed food additive.
Day 1 - Only drink water
Eliminate soft drink, fruit juice, cordial, sports drinks and energy drinks from your diet. Water keeps you hydrated and has no kilojoules.
Day 2 - Have your yoghurt naturally
Sweetened yoghurts can contain a significant amount of sugar. Choose natural yoghurt and add a small portion of chopped fruit if you don't like it plain.
Day 3 - Snack on nuts
Cut out snacks that are high in sugar such as biscuits, cereal bars, and dairy milk chocolate. Nuts satisfy your appetite because they are high in fibre and healthy fats, yet low in sugar. Just be sure to moderate your portion size, as they are still a high kilojoule food.
Day 4 - Choose the right cereal
Some breakfast cereals are nearly 50 per cent sugar. Choose minimally processed grains such as rolled oats, wheat biscuits or shredded wheat, and add nuts, shredded coconut or cinnamon for added flavour.
Day 5 - Learn the label lingo
Read food labels and seek out the lower sugar choices. Get to know the alternative names for sugar on food label ingredients lists, such as honey, sucrose, corn syrup, golden syrup and treacle.
Day 6 - Cut out sugar with your hot drinks
Avoid adding sugar to drinks such as tea and coffee. Give your taste buds a few weeks to adjust, and before long, you won't miss it at all!
Day 7 - Don't spread sugar on your bread
Avoid jam, honey and chocolate spreads on your toast. Try avocado and pepper, or cottage cheese and tomato instead.
Have you already tried to sugar detox? What are your tips for trying to cut sugar from your diet?