One of the most dangerous events at the London Olympics games must surely be the marathon, but I’m not talking about the 42 km race.
It’s the television marathon, as millions of sports-loving spectators spend multiple hours taking in all the action. The danger comes in the form of TV snacks and a ‘couch potato’ lifestyle, which can leave your weight management plans in disarray. Snacking can contribute just as many kilojoules to your daily intake as a regular meal.
The distraction of watching the TV while snacking can make it even harder to keep track of how much you’re eating, especially if the food is out of a large bag or container. Portion control is critical for weight control, so if you do indulge, look for single portion packaging to help minimise the damage.
Here’s my list of good and not so good snacks:
Gold medal snacks
Snacks that should be disqualified
Do you often snack while watching television? What’s your favourite healthy snack? Do you have any suggestions for healthy snack ideas that aren’t mentioned above?