How to cure couch potato contentment 1260x542
26 Jul 2013

How to cure couch potato contentment

1 mins to read
Is fat the new normal? Are you content to be a couch potato?

One of the biggest challenges with weight control is that the cure can be harder than the condition. For some people, it's easier not to make healthier changes to their diet and lifestyle and continue to be a little lazier and eat the same unhealthy foods. The only immediate side effects are clothes that no longer fit, and a little extra difficulty getting off the couch. It seems that a lot of us would rather watch people exercise on television than do it ourselves.

But is it okay just to accept that we are getting fatter? Should we care that there is increasing demands for larger airplane seats, special ambulances to transport the overweight and even extra-large coffins? Is fat the new normal? Are you content to be a couch potato?

One thing for certain is that a couch potato lifestyle won't do much for your health, or your waistline. So how do you get out of the habit of being a couch potato?  Not everyone is motivated by the same things, but the first step is to simply stand. That's right, stand up. Now, take a few moments to reflect on the following questions.

  • Is this the best use of your time right now?
  • What limits could you place on the amount of television that you watch?
  • What other ways can you unwind without watching television?
  • Could you at least do some stretches or step ups while watching television?
  • Would a short walk help you to feel more energised?

The cure to couch potato contentment is in your hands, or more realistically, in your feet. Will you stay standing, and walk away from the television to take positives steps towards better health, or will you sit back down again?

Do you confess to being a couch potato? Do you have any suggestions to cure couch potato contentment?

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