What's your pledge for healthy weight week
15 Jan 2013

What's your pledge for Healthy Weight Week?

1 mins to read
Australia's Healthy Weight Week (January 20 to 27) aims to emphasise the importance of achieving and maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise.

Australia's Healthy Weight Week (January 20 to 27) aims to emphasise the importance of achieving and maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise.

This year's theme is to make a pledge, encouraging people to make one positive health change at a time. The idea is to identify one area of your diet that needs attention, and focus on changing that behaviour before working on the next challenge.

The Dieticians Association of Australia (organisers of Healthy Weight Week) has provided some examples of positive health pledges that may help you to manage your weight:

  • Be prepared with healthy snacks on hand to avoid being tempted by extra treats.
  • Make sure everything you put on your plate is providing your body with something nutritious.
  • Choose a small version of your preferred treat food and ENJOY it once a week.
  • Aim for at least half your meal to be made of colourful vegies – greens, yellows, oranges, reds, purples and a little bit of white.
  • Stop thinking in terms of 'diets' and start thinking in terms of 'healthy eating'
  • Eat clean and healthy 90% of the time.
  • Embrace all the wonderful, healthy foods you can eat, rather than focusing on the foods you can't.

Do you think any of the positive health pledges listed above are relevant to you. Do you have a positive health pledge you'd like to make?

For information on Australia’s Healthy Weight Week, an initiative of the Dieticians Association of Australia, visit www.healthyweightweek.com.au

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