It may sound far-fetched, but Newport had 1600 people completely unplug for one month to get their digital minimalization journey kick started (this first phase allows you to step back and gain clarity around what we can and don’t want to go without moving forward.) Psych Central shared several success stories plucked from the feedback.
During the declutter, one participant read almost nine books. Another participant read three books, organised her closet, scheduled dinner dates with friends, and had more face-to-face conversations with her brother. A third participant started journaling and reading before bed every night, along with listening to records on a record player, which he found to be a much richer experience than streaming music.
Newport claims you’ll reconnect with people on a deeper level in a different way by taking the minimalism approach. He says while being off social media may make you feel you’re missing out, one of his participants says he found the opposite came to be true.
“I’ve become much better at simply talking to people and meeting new people because I can’t just pull my phone out to get through periods of boredom or awkwardness. Instead I just talk to people more, and as a result, I’ve grown closer to my friends…and I’ve made new friends by talking to random people throughout the day.”