It’s a dish inspired by traditional fried rice but uses quinoa instead. Quinoa is incredibly high in protein for a plant-based food and is the only grain that is a complete protein meaning you don’t need to worry about combining quinoa with other grains or legumes to get the full suite of essential amino acids that your body needs.
It is great post-workout or for when you know you are going to need good quality calories to keep your energy up throughout the day.
Quinoa doesn’t have the same comfort factor that pillowy, fluffy rice has so to bring comfort into this dish I use curry powder which really boosts the flavour and gives it a nourishing warmth.
I also find this dish becomes much more soul warming when you cook it with ghee so if you have it in the cupboard, opt to use it over olive oil.
Paired with a bumper amount of nutrient-rich veg and nature’s superfood, the faithful egg - this recipe will provide you with high quality energy that can replenish your stores post-workout our prep your energy levels leading into.